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The general terms of use agreement


1. You acknowledge and agree that by checking this checkbox or using the website (hereinafter referred to as the "Site"), the services offered on it, or the data and information of third parties contained therein, you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these General Terms. If you do not agree to these General Terms, you do not have the right to use the Site, its services, or the data and information of third parties contained therein.

2. If you accept these General Terms and agree to them on behalf of any company or other legal entity, you represent and warrant that you have the necessary authority to bind that company or legal entity to these General Terms. If you do not represent any entity, then as an individual, you personally undertake to comply with these General Terms.

3. reserves the right to modify these General Terms at any time and in the manner it deems necessary. If makes changes to these General Terms, it notifies you of these changes by updating the "Last Updated" date at the top of these General Terms.

4. If you continue to use the Services, it means that you acknowledge and accept the modified General Terms. If you do not agree with the modified General Terms, you must cease using the Services. We recommend that you regularly review the General Terms to ensure that you understand the conditions related to your access to the Services and their usage.


5. provides services that allow users (platform clients) to exchange one cryptocurrency for another. does not offer services to individuals directly or indirectly associated with the United States, including: U.S. citizens - individuals, companies, partnerships, and other legal entities formed under U.S. law; representatives of U.S. citizens, agents, trustees acting on behalf of or in the interest of the aforementioned individuals and legal entities. may refuse to provide services to any client if it contradicts the companys rules.


6. By accessing the Site or using it, you represent and warrant that you are at least 18 years old and that you have never been prohibited from accessing the Site and using it.

7. You also represent and warrant that you will not use the Site for any unlawful activities, including illegal gambling, money laundering, fraud, extortion, blackmail, ransom demands, financing terrorism, or any other illegal activities.

8. Regardless of the above, reserves the right to limit (in whole or in part) the availability of Services in any market, at its discretion, or due to legal or legislative requirements, depending on the users location.


9. You understand and agree that if sends you messages by email, but you do not receive them because your email address provided in your exchange settings is incorrect or outdated, or because our messages are blocked by your service provider or filtered by your spam filter, or for any other reason you cannot receive our email messages, then, notwithstanding this, will consider that the necessary messages have been sent to you.


10. With regard to the use of the Services, you must not:

a. Violate or assist any party in violating any law, ordinance, regulation, norm, or rule of any self-regulatory or similar organization of which you are a member or are required to be a member in connection with your use of the Services;

b. Provide false information when conducting an exchange;


11. Unless otherwise specified, all materials, including logos, trademarks, images, designs, photographs, videos, and written or other materials displayed and used on the Site and/or forming part of its corporate identity, are intellectual property, whether registered or unregistered (hereinafter referred to as Intellectual Property), owned, managed, or licensed by The corporate identity and the Site as a whole are protected by copyright.

12. Any Intellectual Property displayed or used on the Site may not, under any circumstances, be used without the prior written permission of the owner of the Intellectual Property.

13. The names, titles, and logos of may not be used anywhere, including in advertising, without the prior written permission of prohibits the use of any of its logos or names in links to any website or from any website without the prior written permission of

14. Proper use of Intellectual Property requires obtaining necessary permissions. Other trade names and company names mentioned on the Site may be the intellectual property of their respective owners.


15. and its users may provide on the Site information from third parties to all interested parties and may provide links to pages and information from other websites that are not owned or controlled by (hereinafter Third-Party Information).

16. does not control, endorse, or officially approve any Third-Party Information and makes no warranties regarding Third-Party Information, including, but not limited to, the accuracy or completeness of such information.

17. You acknowledge and agree that is not responsible for any Third-Party Information and is not obligated to update or review any such information. You acknowledge that you assume all risks associated with your use of such information.

18. Your business dealings with any third parties, your participation in any third-party advertising campaigns, and your compliance with any terms, warranties, and representations related to such business relationships, are solely between you and such third parties.

19. is not responsible for any damage or losses incurred as a result of such business relationships or advertising campaigns or as a result of the presence of such Third-Party Information on the Site.


20. The services provided to the user cannot, under any circumstances, be transferred to any other persons and must be used solely by the user.

21. has the right to transfer, assign, or sell any of its rights, privileges, or obligations to any person, and these General Terms shall continue to be effective for the benefit of the successors or assigns of the company, if any.


22. does not own or control the underlying software through which blockchain networks are formed and Tokens are created and transmitted. Generally, the underlying software for blockchain networks is typically open source, meaning anyone can use, copy, modify, and distribute it.

23. By using the Services, you acknowledge and agree that is not responsible for the operation of such underlying software and networks that support Tokens, and that makes no warranties regarding the functionality, security, or availability of such software and networks, where the rules of the underlying protocols may change unexpectedly and may substantially impact the amount, functionality, and even the name of the Tokens.

24. In the event of such changes, you agree that is not liable and may temporarily suspend the provision of services (with or without prior notice to you), and that is not liable and may, at its discretion, reconfigure its systems or cease to support (or terminate support for) such altered networks, provided, however, that you will have the opportunity to withdraw Tokens, at least, to one of the still existing underlying networks.

25. You acknowledge and agree that bears absolutely no responsibility with respect to any protocols of underlying software.

26. makes no warranties that all transactions will be conducted properly. The company is not responsible for any damage or losses incurred as a result of any transaction failing to complete properly or in a timely manner.

27. is not responsible for notifying you about unsuccessful transactions. The user is fully responsible for detecting and analyzing the failure of any transaction they conduct.

28. may adjust or cancel any transaction where there has been an error in data processing or another error. In the event of errors, you have a limited choice. You may attempt to cancel your order or receive a refund of any amounts you paid for that transaction, although we cannot guarantee that such cancellation or refund will always be possible.

29. The fees for certain services may vary. You agree to the fee at the time of completing the transaction.

30. The actual market rate at the time of your transaction may differ from the displayed prevailing rate depending on the speed of token trading in your trade. You agree that is not responsible for exchange rate fluctuations and the difference between the actual rate and the displayed rate.


31. You hereby confirm that any Tokens used by you in connection with the Site either belong to you or you are legally authorized to transact with them, and that all transactions conducted by you through, pertain to you, and are not conducted on behalf of any other person.


32. Except as expressly stated herein, the Services, the Site, the data contained therein, and Third-Party Information are provided to the customer as is, without any warranties, express or implied, including warranties of merchantability, accuracy, non-infringement, fitness for a particular purpose, quality, or functionality.

33. makes no warranties that the Site, the data contained therein, or Third-Party Information meet specific purposes or customer needs.

34. makes no warranties that the Services, the Site, and the data and Third-Party Information contained therein are free from errors or defects.

35. makes no warranties regarding the continuous provision of the Services, the operation of the Site, and the availability of the data and Third-Party Information contained therein.

36. The user acknowledges that uploading any data using the Services or the Site is at their discretion and is at their own risk, and that they will be solely responsible for any damage to their computer system or loss of applications or data resulting from the upload of such data. The above-described disclaimments and exclusions of warranties are a fundamental part of this agreement and underlie the determination of the price charged for the products offered. No advice or information, whether oral or written, provided by the service representative or elsewhere, shall be considered as any warranty unless explicitly stated in this agreement.

37. To the maximum extent permitted by law, shall not be liable for any damages of any kind (including indirect, consequential, incidental, or loss of profits damages) arising out of or in connection with your use of the Services, even if was aware of the possibility of such damages.

38. In some jurisdictions, the exclusion of certain warranties under certain circumstances is prohibited. Accordingly, some of the warranty limitations listed above may not apply.


39. In addition to the disclaimers described above,, operating under these Terms and Conditions, shall be released from liability for interruptions and/or delays in its operation due to reasons beyond its control, within reasonable limits. Such reasons include natural disasters, actions of any government, war or other military actions, civil unrest, weather, fires, floods, snowstorms, earthquakes, explosions, embargoes, acts of terrorism, power outages, equipment failures, industrial or labor disputes or disagreements, actions of any data providers (third parties), and communication interruptions.


40. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this agreement may be terminated by notice from if you fail to comply with any of its terms.

41. You may terminate this agreement with at any time after the completion of all current transactions.

42. You also agree that may, at its discretion, terminate your access to the Services by providing notice. This includes, but is not limited to, restricting, suspending, or terminating the servicing of your exchanges, prohibiting access to the Site and its content, services, and tools, delaying the publication or removing posted information, and taking technical and legal measures to prevent user access to the Site if we believe that these users are causing issues or potential legal liability, violating the intellectual property rights of third parties, or these Terms and Conditions.


43. Interpretation, content, applicability, and legal force of the General Terms shall be governed by the laws of the Seychelles, and all disputes between the parties under this agreement shall be settled exclusively in the courts of the Seychelles. You agree that all transactions conducted through the Site are governed by the laws of the Seychelles regardless of the user.


44. If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is found to be unlawful, void, or unenforceable for any reason, that provision shall be deemed severable from these Terms and Conditions and shall not affect the legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions. Any delay or failure by to exercise any of its rights shall not prevent the company from exercising those rights in the future.